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Lydia Romanos-Hofer

Founder & Managing partner

  • Graduate from  FernUniversity in Hagen. Admittance to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Humanities and Social Sciences with focus on Educational Science. Majors: adult education, workplace learning & development, e-learning. Bachelorthesis on “Learning Transfer in workplace”.
  • Masters (Diploma) course of studies at the Academy for logopedic-phoniatric-audiologic services at the University Hospital of Innsbruck.
  • Existential analyst & logotherapist in accordance with Viktor E. Frankl.
  • Further education & qualification focuses: developmental psychology, adult psychology, systemic family therapy & educational sciences, knowledge management & learning communities in teams (H. Willke), coaching & change management (W.Loos), neurobiological correlates of social relations (J. Bauer et al., University of Freiburg).
  • Founder & owner of DIALOGOS Unternehmensberatung GmbH.
  • Insights Discovery Accreditation & Insights Learning & Development faculty member.
  • Master licensee of Insights Discovery in Austria.

     Professional Experience

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Mag. Arnaldo Romanos-Hofer

Founder & Managing partner

  • Graduate from Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck. Admittance to the degree of Mag. rer. soc. oec in social & economic sciences with focus on  Business administration. Majors: strategic organizational management, export marketing, organizational development. Thesis: Export Based Risk Management through Application of a Risk focused Information System.
  • Existential analyst & logotherapist in accordance with Viktor E. Frankl.
  • Presencing & Theory U (C.O.Scharmer), knowledge management & learning communities in teams (H. Willke), coaching & change management (W.Loos), learning organisation (R.Timel), neurobiological correlates of social relations (J. Bauer et al., University of Freiburg), management systems thinking & learning organization (P. Senge).
  • Critical Thinking (University Auckland), Cultural Intelligence (Common Purpose, UK), Systems Thinking & Complexity / Global Systems Science & Policy (both: UNESCO UNITWIN Complex Systems Digital Campus)
  • Insights Discovery Accreditation & Insights Learning & Development faculty member
  • Master licensee of Insights Discovery in Austria

     Professional Experience